“Unexpected end of input” Error When Importing Dynamic Module in JavaScript

I’m encountering an issue with a JavaScript code that imports and executes a dynamic module. The code appears to be correct, but I get the error “unexpected end of input”. Here is the relevant code snippet:

async createDynamicFunction(moduleCode) {
  let fnResult;
  const blob = new Blob([moduleCode], { type: 'application/javascript' });
  const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
  try {
    const module = await import(url);
    fnResult = module.fnSomeFunction;
  } catch (error) {
  } finally {
  return fnResult;

The moduleCode parameter contains the following code:

export function fnSomeFunction(data) {
  class SomeType {
    constructor(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6) {
      this.field1 = param1; // some value
      this.field2 = param2; // some value
      this.field3 = param3; // some value
      this.field4 = param4; // some value
      this.field5 = param5; // some value
      this.field6 = param6; // some value

    static dictSomeType = {
      "X.1": new SomeType("X.1", "1000", "Value A", "Description A", "Category A", "Detail A"),
      "X.2": new SomeType("X.2", "2000", "Value B", "Description B", "Category B", "Detail B"),
      // more entries...

  let outData = {};

  if (data.hasOwnProperty("prop1")) {
    let prop = data["prop1"];
    if (SomeType.dictSomeType.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      let dict = SomeType.dictSomeType[prop];
      outData["fieldB"] = dict.field3;
      outData["fieldC"] = dict.field4;
      outData["fieldD"] = dict.field5;
      outData["fieldE"] = dict.field6;

  return outData;

The error occurs when importing the dynamic module. It seems like the error “unexpected end of input” indicates that the code is incomplete or there is a syntax issue. I’ve reviewed the code and it looks correct, but the error persists.

Additional Information:

A shorter function with similar logic works correctly, so the issue might be related to the length or complexity of the code.


Are there any hints as to why the “unexpected end of input” error might occur?
Are there specific requirements or constraints when dynamically importing JavaScript modules that I should be aware of?
Are there any tips for debugging or best practices to resolve this error?