I don’t understand how this function works, which is reverse() function in implementation of a linked list

Here is code for implementing a singly-linked list:

class LinkedList {
  constructor(value) {
    this.head = {
      value: value,
      next: null,
    this.tail = this.head;
    this.length = 1;

  append(value) {
    const newNode = {
      value: value,
      next: null,
    this.tail.next = newNode;
    this.tail = newNode;
    return this;

  prepend(value) {
    const newNode = {
      value: value,
      next: null,
    newNode.next = this.head;
    this.head = newNode;
    return this;

  reverse() {
    if (!this.head.next) {
      return this.head;
    let first = this.head;
    this.tail = this.head;
    let second = first.next;

    while (second) {
      const temp = second.next; //third
      second.next = first;
      first = second;
      second = temp;

    this.head.next = null;
    this.head = first;
    return this.printList();


I need someone to help me understand this reverse() function, I tried to understand it a lot of times, and I also tried with ChatGPT haha.

The reverse() function runtime is O(n).