Responsiveness problem with my div using Vue and Tailwind (Keeping the width when it should shrink)

<div class="flex flex-col bg-sky-600 bg-opacity-35 w-full overflow-y-hidden h-auto max-h-64 px-5 rounded-lg shadow-md pt-5 text-white shrink scroll-smooth">
        <h1>TODAY'S FORECAST</h1>
        <div v-if="data" class="flex overflow-x-scroll overflow-y-hidden scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-sky-200 pb-3">
            <div v-for="(hour, index) in data.forecast.forecastday[0].hour" :key="hour.time_epoch" :class="['flex flex-col w-32 h-40 shrink-0 items-center justify-center hover:bg-sky-500 transition-all', index < data.forecast.forecastday[0].hour.length - 1 ? 'border-r border-white' : '']">
                <span class="text-gray-300">{{ formatHour(hour.time) }}</span>
                <img loading="lazy" :src="hour.condition.icon">
                <span class="text-4xl">{{ Math.round(isCelsius ? hour.temp_c : hour.temp_f) }}&deg;</span>
                <div class="group flex items-center relative">
                    <DropComp class="w-5 h-5" />
                    <span>{{ hour.chance_of_rain }}%</span>
                    <span class="group-hover:scale-100 absolute -top-2 left-20 scale-0 p-2 min-w-max z-30 bg-yellow-500 rounded-lg transition-all duration-100 origin-left">Chance of rain</span>

This is the div
I’m having trouble trying to make my web app responsive. When I make the screen size smaller in the dev tools this div doesn’t shrink and also keeps the parent div with it’s children from shrinking.

I thought maybe the parent is causing this to happen so I gave this div a way smaller width size than the parent div and the parent div and all of it’s children were shrinking and growing with the screen until they became the same size as this div and at that point they stopped shrinking.

I also tried this div on it’s own in an empty HTML file and it was shrinking and growing as expected but for some reason it doesn’t do the same in my Vue project.

Other than these I literally have no idea on what to try.