Blank page after a while when testing on Cypress using UI

When running e2e tests using UI on Cypress, after several seconds of running normally, the explorer suddenly comes white and shows next message on terminal:

<--- JS stacktrace --->

[72464:0716/] V8 process OOM (Oilpan: Reserving memory.).
We detected that the Chromium Renderer process just crashed.

This is the equivalent to seeing the 'sad face' when Chrome dies.

This can happen for a number of different reasons:

- You wrote an endless loop and you must fix your own code
- You are running Docker (there is an easy fix for this: see link below)
- You are running lots of tests on a memory intense application
- You are running in a memory starved VM environment
- There are problems with your GPU / GPU drivers
- There are browser bugs in Chromium

You can learn more including how to fix Docker here:

Just for information, I’m testing for a UI hosted in Docker, and it works propperly whithout using Cypress UI.

I don’t know how to upgrade memory assigned to process or solve this (apart from spare the test in smaller parts).

I tried to spare the tests and worked perfect.

And limit the resources used with Cypress configuration modification:

    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
            on("before:browser:launch", (browser, launchOptions) => {
                if (["chrome", "electron", "chromium", "edge"].includes( {
                    if (browser.isHeadless) {
                return launchOptions;