TinyMCE editor becomes non editable randomly

I have a Angular 15 project wherein I have used TinyMCE editor. The TinyMCE editor ie the textarea randomly becomes non editable (section highlighted as red in Screenshot 1).

The other editor options like “File, Edit, Insert, View, Format, Table, etc” options are available but they are non operational ie I cannot add table even if the options are available from editor menu.

Below are the configurations.

this.init = {
        plugins: ['lists', 'link', 'image', 'table', 'help', 'wordcount', 'directionality'],
        promotion: false,
        branding: false,
        elementpath: false,
        menubar: 'file edit insert view format table',
        toolbar: 'insertfile undo redo | styles | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | ltr rtl',
        language: this.translate.getDefaultLang(), // translate service to get language
        height : 300

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 1