Vite: How to build in library mode with code splitting (multiple chunks)?

When building Vue app in library mode with vue-cli-service, following command:

vue-cli-service build --target lib

would generate multiple chunks, one per each lazy-loaded component (() => import('@/component.vue')) in app’s router:

  foo.umd.min (2.15 MiB)
  File                        Size                    Gzipped
  dist/foo.umd.min.js         2113.97 KiB             550.03 KiB
  dist/foo.umd.js             4985.15 KiB             936.28 KiB
  dist/foo.common.js          4984.78 KiB             936.19 KiB
  dist/foo.common.17.js       1626.31 KiB             171.45 KiB
  dist/foo.umd.17.js          1626.31 KiB             171.45 KiB
  dist/foo.common.5.js        666.29 KiB              120.67 KiB

How can I achieve the same in Vite?

When I add to vite.config.js:

build: {
      lib: {
          entry: resolve(__dirname, 'src/main.ts'),
          name: 'FOO',
          fileName: 'foo',
          formats: ['umd'],

and run vite build code splitting doesn’t work, it generates only one umd.js file:

vite v4.5.3 building for production...
✓ 1262 modules transformed.
rendering chunks...
computing gzip size...
dist/style.css     235.11 kB │ gzip:    38.69 kB
dist/foo.umd.js  9,526.86 kB │ gzip: 5,492.34 kB
✓ built in 40.03s

When build.lib is removed it does generate multiple chunks, but with the intent to be used with index.html, which I don’t want. What I want to generate is supposed to be imported by another Vue app:

(Another Vue App)
   My App (foo.umd.js)
     My App's Chunk 1 (foo.umd.1.js)
     My App's Chunk 2 (foo.umd.2.js)
     My App's Chunk 3 (foo.umd.3.js)