How can I get the agent response as audio instead of text when using microphone from Dialogflow CX using javascript

`I have created an agent using dialogflow cx.
As the mic wouldn’t work for the defaulted dialogflow messenger I have used the javascript so that the mic and the functionality works. The text is working when using mic but I am not able to get the voice. Is there a way the app could respond as a voice?

Thank you!`

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
  const micButton = document.getElementById('micButton');
  let recognition;

  function initializeVoiceRecognition() {
    if (!('webkitSpeechRecognition' in window)) {
      alert('Web Speech API is not supported by this browser.');
    } else {
      recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
      recognition.continuous = false;
      recognition.interimResults = false;

      recognition.onstart = function () { = 'blue'; // Change color to blue when recording starts

      recognition.onend = function () { = 'gray'; // Change color back to gray when recording ends

      recognition.onresult = function (event) {
        const transcript = event.results[0][0].transcript;

      micButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
        if (recognition && recognition.state === 'inactive') {
        } else if (recognition) {

  function sendVoiceMessageToDialogflow(text) {
    const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
    const chatComponent = dfMessenger.shadowRoot.querySelector('df-messenger-chat');

    if (chatComponent) {
      // Simulate typing and send the message
      const input = chatComponent.shadowRoot.querySelector('input');
      if (input) {
        input.value = text;
        input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));

        const sendButton = dfMessenger.shadowRoot.querySelector('button.send-button');
        if (sendButton) {
    } else {
      console.error('df-messenger-chat component not found.');
