how to check in twilio, which number will be used to send text from & to, i need it to be my number & not any random no., how to verify or change?

So i’m a bit new and i tried to do this tutorial but i’m confused about the trial number provided by the twilio and was wondering how can i change it, i have linked the video i was referring to
#NodeJS and #Twilio to create an automated script which will send a message every hour using a CRON job. Basically i want to send someone automatic messages but from my number to their cell so how is it possible or am i doing something wrong, i referred this video but got stuck anyway

const cron = require('node-cron');

const config = require('./config');

const accountSid = config.Account_SID ;
const authToken = config.Auth_Token ;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);

const messages = require('./messages');

const currentMessage = 0;

function sendMessage() {

        body: messages[currentMessage],
        from: '+14849292367',
        to: config.twilio_phone_number
    .then(message => {
        currentMessage++; console.log(message)

cron.schedule('2 * * * *', () => {
    console.log('message sent');

i put the twilio trial number given but there’s no output and my terminal section just gives output of cronjob