SDK Object not available when injecting script ReactJS

I am injecting some javascript/sdk into my project via react-helmet. It is successfully injecting the script and min.js link into the head, but I am unable to access any of the objects/functionality that the SDK provides. If I only throw in a console log inside the Helmet it will print out the log though. I am injecting the script on the App.tsx level. If I paste the javascript directly into the head or body of the index file everything works as expected, but I don’t want it to be there for security purposes.

My main question is it is successfully injecting the script in, but why can’t I access anything from it? It comes back as undefined each time.


I just did some additional debugging and I think the issue may be that the SDK isn’t fully loaded at the time I am calling it…

App file

     <script type="text/javascript">
        //some complex javascript goes here
        //some promise/async functions goes here too