Cannot override CSS module style with style in global (or external) stylesheet in React / Next.js / React Native

I’m struggling to find a solution to this simple problem. I have a component which I, by default, style using a class from a *.module.css file. However, I want to override this style with one from a global stylesheet but I am failing to achieve this.

See example below:

// HelloWorld.tsx
import styles from './HelloWorld.module.css

export default function HelloWorld({className}) {
    return <div className={`${styles.Container} ${className}`}>Hello world</div>;
/* HelloWorld.module.css */
.Container {
  background-color: green; /* a default style for the component to be overridden by users */
/* global.css */
.danger-container {
    background-color: red;

I then want to use the component as follows:

<HelloWorld className='danger-container' />

but the local style is not being overridden and the container remains green.

As mentioned, the reason I would like to do this is because I am creating a styled UI library and would like to provide a default style that users can then override.

The only way I can override it is using !important but I have been told that it is bad practice to do this and would rather the users of the library not have to use !important to override my default styles.

Please assist me on what the best way to go about this is.

Thank you in advance.