How to find where promise was created?

With JavaScript promises, in its ‘resolved handler’ how to find (if possible at all) where this particular promise was created?

E.g. in this situation, with this code (with async/await there seems to be no difference) when the code execution is stopped on the debugger statement, how to see where the corresponding promise was created:

'use strict';

const promise = getPromise();

function handleResolution(promiseArg) {
  .then((resolution) => {
    console.log(`resolved with: ${ resolution }`);

function getPromise() {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
      resolve('in getPromise()');

Hardly the call stack can be used here, because it’s obvious that the call stack where a particular asynchronous call was done is long gone.

example code paused in chrome dev-tools debugger

Is there something like a way to see a ‘promise chain’ sort of?

The question is about JS in general, not necessarily Node.js, Chrome dev tools etc. It just happened that I used this stack for this example.