How to properly use isolated-vm to execute sandboxed code in Node.js?

I am migrating from vm2 to isolated-vm for executing sandboxed code in Node.js. However, my current implementation always returns undefined for the result. Here is my code:

import ivm from 'isolated-vm';

export async function executeSandboxedCode(expression: string, params: any): Promise<any> {
  const context = {
    // populate context with necessary parameters

  try {
    const isolate = new ivm.Isolate();
    const isolateContext = await isolate.createContext();
    const jail =;
    await jail.set('global', jail.derefInto());

    const script = await isolate.compileScript(`
      (function(context) {

    await jail.set('context', new ivm.ExternalCopy(context).copyInto());
    const result = await;

    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(`Failure in process: ${error.message}`);

What I tried:

  1. Assigned params to the global.context object.

  2. Compiled the script with the expression in a function.

  3. Used return in the expression to ensure a value is returned.

  4. Added error handling for context.


The result from should contain the evaluated result based on the context parameters.


The result always comes back as undefined.

What am I doing wrong?