Parse base64 encoded image Data to pdfkit module

I am coding an app, which takes numbers to generate a QR Code with the qrcode module, takes the generated URL and parses it to the pdfkit doc.image method.

//  Skript zur Erstellung von PDFs aus den Daten der mainApp

const PDFDocument = require("pdfkit");
const fs = require("fs");
const QRCode = require("qrcode");
const { resolve } = require("path");

const testList = "664584";

// Create a document

const doc = new PDFDocument({
  size: "A4",
  layout: "landscape",

//  Actual Content
//  Shapes

doc.rect(220.945, 50, 400, 400).stroke();
doc.rect(841.89 - 30 - 160, 50, 160, 50).stroke();
doc.rect(30, 50, 160, 50).stroke();
doc.rect(841.89 - 30 - 160, 595.28 - 250, 160, 50).stroke();

//  QR Code

function getDataURL(str){
  .then(base64 => {
  .catch(err => {
    console.error(`Debugger: Catched Error from QRCode.toDataURL promise: ${err}`)
  .catch(err => {


//  Text
doc.fontSize(20).text("Field1", 30, 97.64 + 35);
doc.fontSize(20).text("Field2", 841.89 - (160 + 30), 97.64 + 35);
doc.fontSize(20).text("Field3", 841.89 - (160 + 30), 400 + 97.64 - 75);
doc.fontSize(25).text("Description", 40, 490, {
  align: "center",
  lineBreak: "false",


Here is the problem:
The method to generate a QR Code is QRCode.toDataURL, which returns a promise. I am able to log the resulting data in the console, and if I parse it to doc.image method, the process is done without issues. Except that pdfkit inserts an empty image.

Generating the PDF with QRCode.toDataURL on the fly

If i take the generated base64 string, declare it as a value and passes it to doc.image, an image is generated just fine.

//  QR Code

const testListtoURL = "";

//  Text

PDF document generated with the data as a string variable

I first thought about a promise/async issue, but could show, that the pdfkit.js from the module receives the base64 data and returns without errors. I also declared the same variable globally and passed the resolved data to it, but without effect.
As you see, I already tried with a simple variable declaration, which works just fine.
I only got 3 months worth of js experience and do not know where to further look for the issue. Thank you.