How can I get smoother Graphics() in pixi.js?

I am trying to draw using pixi.js version 8.1.5 Graphics:

const graphics = new Graphics()

  .moveTo(km.graphic.origin.x, km.graphic.origin.y)
  .stroke({ color: km.graphic.color, width: km.graphic.lineWidth })
  .circle(,, km.graphic.radius)

My problem is that both lines and boundary of circle are jagged:

result of drawing - line and circle with jagged boundary

antialias is turned on:

const app = new Application();

await app.init({
  backgroundAlpha: 0,
  resizeTo: this.element,
  antialias: true,

I also tried, per common internet advice, adding to init(): autodensity: true, resolution: window.devicePixelRatio and resolution: 2, with no change in result.

I cannot use graphics-smooth library, since it only supports pixi.js v7.

How can I achieve smoother lines and graphic boundaries?