Unhandled Runtime Error: data is undefined in useSuspenseQuery with Next.js and Tanstack Query

I am working on a Next.js application where I have implemented a commenting system. Users can post a review for a particular AI tool, reply to a review, and reply to a reply as well.

I have a component named <ReplyItemOperations /> that renders three buttons: like, dislike, and reply. Inside this component, I am using useSuspenseQuery to fetch the status of whether the user has liked/disliked the reply or not.

Here is the code for the <ReplyItemOperations /> component:

import { useState } from "react"
import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"
import { Reply, Review } from "@/types"
import {
} from "@tanstack/react-query"
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"

type ReplyItemOperationsProps = {
  review: Review
  reply: Reply

export function ReplyItemOperations({
}: ReplyItemOperationsProps) {
  const router = useRouter()
  const { data: session } = useSession()
  const user = session?.user
  const userEmail = session?.user?.email

  const {
    id: replyId,
    likes_count: initialLikesCount,
    dislikes_count: initialDislikesCount,
  } = reply

  const { id: reviewId, tool_name: toolName } = review

  const { data: userReplyData } = useSuspenseQuery({
    queryKey: ["userReplyData", toolName, userEmail],
    queryFn: async () => {
      if (!userEmail) {
        return null
      return await getUserReplyData(toolName, userEmail)

  const [likesCount, setLikesCount] = useState(initialLikesCount)
  const [dislikesCount, setDislikesCount] = useState(initialDislikesCount)
  const [isLiked, setIsLiked] = useState(userReplyData?.is_liked || false)
  const [isDisliked, setIsDisliked] = useState(
    userReplyData?.is_disliked || false

// Other component logic

  return (
      {/* Component JSX */}

Here is the query code that fetches the data (an object with two keys: is_liked and is_disliked) regarding whether the current user has liked/disliked the reply or not:

const { data: userReplyData } = useSuspenseQuery({
    queryKey: ["userReplyData", toolName, userEmail],
    queryFn: async () => {
      if (!userEmail) {
        return null
      return await getUserReplyData(toolName, userEmail)

And here is the code for the getUserReplyData() function:

import { supabase } from "@/lib/clients"

export async function getUserReplyData(
  toolName: string,
  userEmail: string | null | undefined
) {
  const { data, error } = await supabase
    .select("is_liked, is_disliked")
    .match({ tool_name: toolName, user_email: userEmail })

  if (error) {
    console.error(`Error getting user replies data: ${error.message}`)

  console.log("Get user reply data: ", data)

  return data

The <ReplyItemOperations /> component is rendered inside the <ReplyItem /> component, and the <ReplyItem /> component is rendered inside the <Reviews /> component (where I display both the reviews and replies, including nested replies). The <Reviews /> component is rendered inside the <ToolPage /> component which display details regarding a particular AI tool (along with the reviews).

When I am NOT logged in, the <ToolPage /> component renders fine; I see the tool details, as well as the reviews and replies for that particular tool, as shoen below:

enter image description here

But when I am logged in, the <ToolPage /> does not render, and I get the following error:

enter image description here

Error: ["userReplyData","MakeAudio","[email protected]"] data is undefined

I suspect this error is related to the query key that I have set inside the query. Here is the query key for reference:

queryKey: ["userReplyData", toolName, userEmail],

So, why am I getting this error when I am logged in? Is it because the userEmail has a value when I’m logged in and is undefined when I’m not logged in, and this messes up the cache? If yes, how do I solve this problem?

Additional Information:

  • Next.js version: 14.1.3
  • Tanstack Query version: 5.40.1
  • next-auth version: 4.24.5

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!