Why does the keyword “this” work like this in these examples [duplicate]

I was looking for examples of how “this” works and found this example:

function foo() {
  return {
      x: 20,
      bar: () => {
      baz: function () {

const obj2 = foo.call({ x: 30 });

let y = obj2.bar; 
let z = obj2.baz; 
y(); // Output: 30
z(); // Output: undefined

I roughly understand why it gives such a result, but then I’ve tried to modify this example and and set the value to this.x inside the function and remove .call().

function foo() {
  this.x = 50;
  return {
      x: 20,
      bar: () => {
      baz: function () {

const obj2 = foo();

let y = obj2.bar; 
let z = obj2.baz; 
y(); // Output: 50
z(); // Output: 50

Can someone explain why it works this way?