3D CSS3 transforms handling with DOMMatrix issue


I’m trying to handle geometric operations applied to HTML elements by CSS3 3d transforms through DOMMatrix API to retrieve any coord i want in any coord system i want.

The Issue

Everything work fine with 2d transforms (translate, rotate, scale, skew) but when i start working in 3d with for exemple the “perspective” transform or a “rotateX” transform then nothing no longer work.

And i don’t well understand why because in fact everything should be handled by the DOMMatrix operations like successives multiplications etc ..

Small exemple

// 2D working transforms --->
//const selfTransform = 'rotate(25deg) skewY(50deg) scale(0.6)';
// const selfTransform = 'rotate(45deg) skewX(50deg) scale(0.6)';
// <---

// 3D not working transforms --->
const selfTransform = 'perspective(500px) rotateX(60deg) rotateY(15deg)';
// <---

const DOM_a = document.getElementById('a');
DOM_a.style.transform = selfTransform;

// Generate the transform string
const transform = 
  // Translate to #a 0, 0
  'translate3d(100px, 100px, 0px) '
  // Translate to #a center, center
  + 'translate3d(100px, 100px, 0px) '
  // Apply #a transform
  + selfTransform
  // Translate back to #a 0, 0
  + 'translate3d(-100px, -100px, 0px)';

// Create the 3d projective transform matrix
const tm = new DOMMatrix(transform);

// Create the point representing the #a bottom left point coords in #A landmark
const blCoordsInA = new DOMPoint(

// Find the #a bottom left point coords in the window landmrk by applying the transform
const blCoordsInWindow = blCoordsInA.matrixTransform(tm);

const blLeft = blCoordsInWindow.x;
const blTop = blCoordsInWindow.y;

// Visualize the point by moving the black circle
const DOM_marker = document.getElementById('marker');
DOM_marker.style.left = blLeft + 'px';
DOM_marker.style.top = blTop + 'px';
#a {
  position: absolute;
  top: 100px;
  left: 100px;
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: red;
  transform-origin: center center;

#marker {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  width: 6px;
  height: 6px;
  margin-left: -3px;
  margin-top: -3px;
  background-color: black;
  border-radius: 50%;
<div id="a">

<div id="marker">

As you can see in this exemple i’m trying to find the coordinates of the bottom left corner of the red div in the “general window landmark”. Knowing the transform of the red div and the position of the point in the red div i normally should be able to find out the coords of thhis point in the window just by multiplying the coordinates of the point by the transform matrix i generate.

In my exemple if you define a 2D transform for the var “selfTransform” everything work as it should, the black dot is positionned on the bottom left corner. But if you set a 3d transform with some perspective then it’s no longer working and i don’t get why.

Any idea ?

Plot twist

In this exemple you can find out that some 3d transforms work well like “rotateX({randomRadianValue})” but it no longer work at the moment where there are cumulative transforms in the DOM tree, i mean if i want to retrieve the coords of a point that is in a div that also is in a tree where other div have 3d transforms all the results are fucked up. But if i’m only using 2d transforms then everything work perfeclty regardless of the depth of the element in the transformed element tree…