How can I import images from google sheets to google docs template using google app script?

I am a beginner in google app script and programming in general but I was able to created a google form connected to google sheets that create a barcode of the timestamp which is cell A2. This barcode should be transferred to google docs template.

This is my current code and everything works fine except the line that is supposed to transfer the image. I know that body.replaceText is used for text only but I just can’t figure out how to change it.

function myFufnction() {
const info={
'Timestamp':['6/1/2024 9:42:37'],

function CreatePDF(){
  const pdfFolder=DriveApp.getFolderById("107Nwj1H3BxAdjxFzaQtg8c8xgT8QDxLU");
  const tempFolder=DriveApp.getFolderById("1chglzlt-VFN6iYktsgNJUIHnvC-Ry4ti");
  const templetDoc=DriveApp.getFileById("1PL_-XnN-YiwkoZjCs4Ev99SskzQqTgTEg7ngKFHByxI");

  const newtempfile=templetDoc.makeCopy(tempFolder);

  const openDoc=DocumentApp.openById(newtempfile.getId());
  const body=openDoc.getBody();
  body.replaceText("{FN}", info['FIRST']['0']);
  body.replaceText("{LN}", info['LAST']['0']);
  body.replaceText("{EN}", info['EXAM']['0']);
  body.replaceText("{TM}", info['Timestamp']['0']);
 body.replaceText("{QR}", insertImage(0, QRCODE));

  const blobPDF=newtempfile.getAs(MimeType.PDF);
  const pdfFile=pdfFolder.createFile(blobPDF).setName("mypdf");

This is the formula used to create the barcode
