Unable to get sorted Projects in NextJS/MongoDB project

I get the following status codes in the terminal with my code but do not understand why. Here is the code. I believe it may be an issue with the folder structure but I am not sure. I have debugged and see no issues with any values be undefined, and see no such errors in terminal. I get these status codes also:

GET /api/Project?userId=6656e135c761e2d4bace9ef7&sortKey=createdAt&sortOrder=desc 500 in 59ms
GET /api/Project/User/6656e135c761e2d4bace9ef7 404 in 127ms


useEffect(() => {
    const selectedColumn = Object.keys(sortMap).find((key) => sortMap[key]);

    const selectedOrder = Object.values(sortMap).find((val) => null !== val);

    try {
      const sortedProjects = getSortedProjects(
    } catch (error) {
      throw new Error("Failed to sort Projects", error);
  }, [sortMap]);


export async function getSortedProjects(userId, column, order) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(

    return response.data.projects;
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error("Failed to get Projects by User id");

route.js –> /app/api/Project

export async function GET(req) {
  const url = new URL(req.url);

  const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(url.search);

  const userId = searchParams.get("userId");
  const sortKey = searchParams.get("sortKey");
  const sortOrder = searchParams.get("sortOrder");

  try {
    let sortObj = {};
    if (sortOrder === "desc") {
      sortObj[sortKey] = -1;
    } else {
      sortObj[sortKey] = 1;

    const projects = await Project.find({ userId: userId }).sort(sortObj);

    return new NextResponse.json({ projects });
  } catch (error) {
    return NextResponse.json({ message: "Error", error }, { status: 500 });

I have tried putting the endpoint in Project > User > [id] and refactoring so that id comes from params and not searchParams of a new URL.

Have console.logged a lot and see no reason why I shouldn’t get the results other than the route endpoint, which I cannot see why doesn’t work.