Set Custom Region to Prediction List in Google Places API

We have

autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function(){});

But I want to listen to on input. input.addEventListener('input', function(){ ... }); doesn’t work. I want something like place_changed_input.

function initMap()
    input = document.getElementById('region-input');
    const options = {};
    autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);

    input.addEventListener('input', function()
        const value = input.value;

        // Check if the current value matches a valid prediction
        const validPrediction = autocomplete.getPredictions().some(prediction => prediction.description === value);

        if (!validPrediction) {
            // No valid prediction found, add custom option
            const customOption = new google.maps.places.AutocompletePlace({
                name: value,

            // Get the existing predictions and add your custom option at the beginning
            const predictions = autocomplete.getPredictions();

            // Update the autocomplete predictions with the modified array