InDesign iPad tablet magazine template. This template packed full of great layouts and design elements to help you create a professional quality iPad or android tablet magazine. The template comes set at iPad resolution and features 30 page designs in both portrait and landscape layouts. So a total of 60 page layouts.
The template utilises InDesign’s new liquid layouts tool. This tool allows the document to automatically re-position page items when changing the document size (from landscape to portrait for example). Reducing the work required to create alternative page layouts for different screen resolutions and screen orientations. The template also uses the alternative page layouts tool. This tool allows you to create infinite variations of one layout (different screen resolutions and orientations for example). This tool also allows you to make text changes on only one page and it updates across them all.
The file file contain the following layouts:
cover, index, static contents, credits, editorial layouts
layouts for articles in 4 columns with header
layouts for articles in 4 columns without header
layouts for articles in 2 columns with header
layouts for articles in 2 columns without header
layouts for image gallery
header with big image
All made with free font, that you can download here:
– chunkfive
– raleway
– pistilli roman
Every images in the previews are taken by nile-can-too ( that gives her permission.