10 paper corners for photos (Miscellaneous)

The set includes 10 types of paper corners for pictures. All elements are smart-objects, and are subject to change without quality loss.

The set consists of a layered PSD and layered EPS .

Paper corners do not have the texture, they are formed due to glare, lighting and transparency, as well as the mask image will be overwritten at the corners, so they fit on any background.
I would not recommend their use on a light background, in particular, on white, because of this they will reduce the attractiveness.
This package uses a vector mask that allows you to transform a slider without any quality loss, you can only use the corners for themselves by dragging them into your design, but will need to wipe underneath the picture, placing it in the corners of the mask corresponding form.

all the corners and arrows are in a vectors, that allows you to edit them to your taste

You can edit the corners in Photoshop, just click twice on one of the corners, which you want to edit and it will open itself in Illustrator. You can change the highlight, shape, shadow, whatever you want, then save and close enough, to the remaining parts of this version was changed automatically.

font CHUNKFIVE not included, you can download for free http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/ChunkFive

Download 10 paper corners for photos (Miscellaneous)

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