Realistic Mock-up Serie Vol.1—Text, Logo, or Your Any Design
These mock-ups work with smart object feature and displacement effect of photoshop
to make your designs eye-catching and to make the changes easily and just in seconds.
So paste your design into the smart object and show it with different styles.
- Full Layered PSD file of each mock-up ( 300dpi )
- And also color adjustment layers to change the colors easily
to obtain different color variations of the mock-ups - displacement source file to suit the logo to environs
- step by step help file about how to use the mock-ups,
editing the smart object and information about displacement - information about where you can download the fonts I used ( they are free)
Notes about the mock-ups
- Metalic mock-up style and embossed wood mock-up style don’t have displacement source
file. That’s mean, no need to make any displacement for these mock-ups. They are displaying
your design with layer styles and realistic blur effects. - Canvas mock-up style works with black color.
It’s mean, the smart object in this file makes your design black automatically. - With color adjustment layer in the PSD files, you can change the background colors
however you would like easily.
Please feel free to contact me for any questions…