Icon Designer (Business Cards)

Icon Design

Icon Design is a developer inspired business card. Classy clean lines and custom fully vector logo will ensure you are taken serious as a developer! Sleek black lines and crisp bold logo take this card to the next level of design, truly professional and unique!

The custom logo is an icon in development on the blueprint, showing half sketched and half complete icon, accompanied by silver textured compass and fresh, sharp Sketching pencil!

The Card is based on an icon developer, but it can easily be changed into an app developer business card just by rotating the pencil 90 degrees and you got an app icon.

The Compass and Pencil are fully vector therefore can be scaled to any size you require!

Fonts used are:
Times new Roman
Machia – (http://www.fonts101.com/fonts/view/Script/42343/Machia.aspx)

If you need any help or assistance please do not hesitate to contact me through my profile page!

Download Icon Designer (Business Cards)

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