Web User Interface and Forms Elements for your next project
- nicely layered, named and arranged
- easy to modify vector shapes, size and colors
- four step process panel
- more than 100 elements in total
- normal, focus and hover variant for every element included
- validation elements included
- Fonts used: Helvetica Neue, Marlett
The following interface elements are included in the pack
- input field simple
- input field search form
- dropdown menu
- menu bar
- pagination
- breadcrumb
- calendar
- date picker
- video player
- download but v1, download but v2
- web app example add review
- boxes and ribbons
- notice boxes
- dropdown menu active
- rich text editor + slider
- horizontal sliders
- vertical sliders
- badges
- horizontal sliders narrow example
- horizontal slider wide example
- numeric stepper
- table
- up and down signs
- plus and minus
- thumbs up down
- rating
- list item
- radio
- checkbox
- step process
- switch
- ranged slider
- simple slider
- tabbed interface (tabular data)
- input box
- various small elements
- tooltip
Comments, questions and ideas are welcome as usual