3 Premium Photoshop Styles
How to install:
To install this style pack, Simply double click the file “3PremiumStyles.asl” or Drag & Drop the file “3PremiumStyles.asl” into your photoshop. Then simply go to your “Styles” in photoshop and apply onto your text or layer by clicking the style you wish to use which is named accordingly to the preview.
Colours & Font sizes used for preview:
All fonts used, as well as the colours & font sizes used for each font in the preview is included in the readme.txt
All styles are 100% scalable, Simply right click on the “F” icon that shows on the layer which has a style applied and select “Scale Effects” from there you can downsize or upsize the font style to suit your needs. Or if you prefer to use the menu you can go to Layer > Layer Style > Scale Effects.