Sandwriting (Decorative Symbols)

Sandwriting is all ABC , capital letters, plus symbols: ”?”, ”!”, “&”, heart, dollar sign, euro sign, smiley face. They were hand-written on wet sand, photographed, and edited to blend with the sand background. Thes is specificly to be used for creating “messages on sand” with Photoshop. It does not work as a font in other programs.

The pack contains:

a) Sandwriting1.psd – a Photoshop file with pattern (texture) layer, and a separate layer for each letter/sign (to make a word, drag letter by letter and arrange manually);

b) Sandwriting1.jpg – an image file with the whole alphabet on background for a preview;

c) about.txt – a text file with simple instructions and information related to Sandwriting.

Download Sandwriting (Decorative Symbols)

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