This is a simple and easy to edit graphic food-bag mock-up with smart objects for one-click editing!
Files included:
- 1x hi res. psd, layered with smart objects (3456×3456 px at 300dpi)
- pdf helpfile
Adjustments and usage:
This file was a answer of a recent request and was build with usability in mind. With smart-objects included you can edit the layers of the graphic canvas or remove them completely and place your own graphics inside, without worrying about perspective and effects. The main file left untouched if you like so.
The smart-object in the main file updates itself. Get sure to fill the complete smart-object-file with a solid background (color or whatever). You’ll find more info in the help file.
Use this for fun or seriuos product displays as well. Put in it what ever you like, graphics, photos, logos, etc.
Fonts used:
“Chunk Five” and “Ballpark Weiner” which you can free download at:
If you encounter any problems, or have suggestions for further improvement of the file contact me here at graphicriver.
I hope you enjoy this file! Janthemanson