Keyword Research

Keyword Research

I need help with keyword research for my new websites.

Basically, I need someone to find me 5 niches, then find at least 15 highly searched long tale keywords (they will be titles for articles), which I will use for my website and article directories (I don’t need article writing).

Requirements for niche and keyword selection:

– the main keyword has at least $1 CPC in Adwords (the more the better)

– each keyword gets searched 1500-3000 times a month(exact searches)

– no keywords that are impossible to rank for

– Websites on first page for keywords don’t have PR5 or higher, off course, the lower the better.

– at least 3-5 Adwords ads for the keyword

– Google competition: allintitle of <80,000.

I will add to this list, if I remember anything else.

I want each set of keywords in a spreadsheet, with number of exact searches and an average CPC.

Bid only, if you know how to do proper keyword research. When you bid, tell me which tools you intend to use for the research.

I will need lots of these in the future too.

If you have question, send me a PM.


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