Rewriting/branding Of Plr
I’m looking for someone who can do a rewrite and branding of some existing PLR products. Basically I’m looking for a person who can:
– Rewrite/combine some PLR products in the internet marketing niche
– Brand it! So that it’s my name that’s the author
– Make new cover graphics for the product!
IF you have some good Private Label Rights products, I might be interested in you using those.
You need to be able to take out the essence of the ebooks, and rewrite it into a brand new product.
Total about 20 pages or so.
Grammar must be perfect, and the product/ebook should be delivered ready to use / formatted / catchy title and without grammatical errors. Cover art included. (Meaning a nice ebook cover art).
This should be enought to post your bid! Please state in your bid if you have PLR products or other products to pick content from.