Skill Article Writer Needed
We need a very Skill Article writer who loves to write. We need 3 Article about, What’s happening with the music industry today?(Some History) Where is it headed? Online? If so where?
How are unsigned artist selling their music online?
WE NEED SUCCESS STORIES AND EXAMPLES of people selling their music online.
We want to talk about where unsigned artist are going to get their music heard online?
What tools and sites do unsigned artist use to promote their music online?
Research the tools that unsigned artist uses to promote their music
They need to be in MP3 format so that they can upload their music with ease, need to have a portfolio, their bio(about me), what they want in the future for their music, need to have video(youtube), pictures, need to be members of various social networks(twitter, facebook, myspace, etc) The Article is call “Learn How Easy Selling Your Music Online and Offline Can Be”. It need to be 600-700 Words Long.
These are some of the things you need to research on and expand on how they can use this to promote themselves online. We need to see sample of your work. Need skype for updates everyday. start now