Re-write 10 Press Releases Now

Re-write 10 Press Releases Now
I need someone to complete this project within 24 hours of selection of bid.

You must have perfect English and be a professional writer.

I need you to re-write 10 press releases, as found on some of the top press release services.
My guess is that they are about 500 words each.
I will provide you the links to the PR’s. You will re-write the entire press release using totally unique sentences. No part of any sentence may resemble the original.

The new press releases that you will write will be elegantly written, in perfect English and grammar.

If it looks like it was written by a non-native speaking writer, you will not be paid. It must be professionally done.

I will pay by scriptlance escrow. If project is not completed within 4\24 hours of selection, I reserve the right to void this relationship and get escrow funds back.

This may turn into a recurring relationship if you are good.

You must provide samples of your work.

NO COPY AND PASTE MESSAGES. Tell me who you are.

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