Writer For 275 Aritcles Needed

Writer For 275 Aritcles Needed
This is a project for 275 articles to be written for content on a travel website. Articles must be submitted at a minimum of 50 articles per week. The articles must all be original and 400-600 words each. The subjects to be written about will be provided to you once the bid has been selected.

Articles must be original and unique and pass Copyscape & Dupecop. Articles produced using article spinning programs or software will be rejected. The articles must be all high quality, include excellent writing skills, have perfect grammer, and must have original content. All articles have to be informative and you must provide titles for each article which include the subject and must be in bold and keep the font type and size the same for all articles.

You must stipulate and agree to the following: all rights to the articles remain with me. You cannot sell, reproduce or re-use these articles in any manner whatsoever.

Please give price for complete job as requested above if all terms are agreeable. Any quote that is submitted as per article price or a price for a quantity of any fewer number of articles than 275 will not be considered.

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