Writer – Landing Page
Seeking copywriter experienced in writing converting short-form sales copy for landing page. See attachment for general idea.
The landing page will have minimal copy, emphasizing benefits. The product/service promoted is related to US Immigration.
The target is someone seeking an immigration lawyer/consultant/product.
The goal is to get the visitor to view the video and to complete a survey to see if they qualify for the product/services.
Here is what will be on landing page:
Very concise headline.
Very concise sub-headline, if necessary.
Powerful call to-action – get user to interact to see if they qualify.
A description of the product:
If the visitor qualifies, 4 versions of the product are available:
1. A No-Risk 3 day trial of tutorial videos (no charge until 10 days);
2. An upgraded package with #1 plus a 1 time correction of the paperwork;
3. An upgraded package with #1 plus unlimited correction of the paperwork, a “document vault”, webinar/group coaching;
4. A premium package that is unavailable at initial landing page.
Checklist of benefits. Self Explanatory.
A guarantee. Self explanatory.
Some credibility copy linking product to media coverage.
Some risk-reversal and social proof (no testimonials or claims).
A favorable comparison chart comparing to traditional legal representation.
Additional guidance to be provided upon acceptance of bid.