Translation Of Site Texts

Translation Of Site Texts
We want to translate the content of one of our websites to several European languages. The total number of words is 524. The full text is supplied in English and will be in a flat text document. There is no need to change text formatting etc. The text should be translated to a number of European languages from the list at the end of this description. Please keep in mind that we don’t accept machine translations. These are easy to recognize. We further won’t accept offers from people who don’t speak the destination language as a mother tongue. It should therefore be obvious that offers from countries outside Europe won’t be considered as serious offers.

Please bid per language, and indicate in your bid which language is your specialism. Just to make sure that you fully understood this text, please include in your response in your local language the name of the local dish you most like from your country.

The language list:
German, French, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian (Latin), Serbian (Cyrillic), Romanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Spanish, Norwegian

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