Execupro Ceo

Execupro Ceo
Company Name: ExecuPRO CEO

Our Slogan: Because it doesn’t have to be lonely at the top.

What We Do: We facilitate peer support groups for small business CEO’s/Owners/Presidents. We bring non-competing businesses together monthly to discuss problems and best practices, utilizing the collective wisdom of the group members.

Industry Type: Peer Advisory Boards, Business Coaching and Consulting.

Our Target Audience:
Small business owners, CEO’s, Presidents, and Executives

Possible positioning statements:
Leverage Other Business Owners for Real-World Solutions
Learn to Love Your Business
Drive Your Business with Peer Advice and Coaching
Align Your Business Plans to Meet Your Personal Goals
Change perspective. Improve business. Enjoy life.
Driving Success. Balancing Life.
Better Business. Richer Life.

Top Three Thing to Communicate Through Our Logo:
#1 Business expertise
#2 Exclusivity
#3 Reduce Isolation

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