Photography Website Needed

Photography Website Needed
READ CAREFULLY !!! I do not pay upfront. Need example of a photographer website. No bid, your out. Look at budget. Sorry, but I get way to many mails with …….. NOTHING!!!!!

Like I said in the project name. I need a good photography website.
SEO friendly, with the following options.

Top menu with the following menus:

Link page
Copyright & Terms

The gallery needs to be able to have a upload for customers. With a password protected area.
The link page needs to be a link-page with a check if people have a link to my website.
The first screen need to be a flash preview of pictures that I can easily change. If there is in a browser NO flash available then the viewer need to see a picture that I can select.
There need to be a newsletter in the website. (Members can get it then)

And like I said before, it need to be SEO friendly, w3 checked ok.

I do NOT need a lot of talk, just to know if you can make it, and how much you asked for it. I need someone who can show at least one example from a photography website made.
If you did not place a bid, then you will be ignored. Above budget, means erase.

To be sure you read it. Send me a PM starting with SEOPHOTO!

Text and pictures are available, but I need to be able to update it myself, and place it on my server. If you do not read this, then you do not have to bid on it !!!
Bids above maximum will be ignored. Happy bidding !!!

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