Web Based Portal

Web Based Portal
I would like the portal to be launched from my existing website. Once a link is clicked on my website, the portal page displays (must look like the same structure as my current web design). Once the portal page displays it will have the following functionality:

1) New Users – Request Portal Access Form – this form will include:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Distributor Affiliation
>> First 4 are mandatory fields, 5th option is optional
– once they submit, the form is sent via email to two specified email accounts
– the database is updated with the potential applicant – I want to be able to approve or not approve the addition of the user into the database that gives users the right to log in or not

2) Existing Users – Enter a username and password to log in to portal – feature if they forget their password for the email address to be sent the password if their is an email match in database.

3) Once they sign-in, it will lead to a protected area of the website that I will be able to manage and update myself (HTML) – same look and feel of original site

4) I must be able to set up multiple portals for different geographic regions that can be launched from different areas of the main site. Thus I would like the portal replicated 4 times, each with its own management capabilities (add user, delete user, upload content, etc.)

5) I must be able to add/delete and modify users.

6) Instructions on the functionality and uploading of the files must be provided as well.

7) I would like this portal to be compatible relative to various web browsers and platforms.

8) If you can think of additional functionality that would also be a +++

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