Drupal Home Page Designer

Drupal Home Page Designer
Hello Drupal Techs –

We need somebody to assist us with designing
our Drupal home page. This is the home page
that all our members get directed to after
logging in. After reviewing the administrator
back office, it’s just html like any other site
so hopefully, it’s an easy job.

We already have the design theme…We will be
wanting the same theme, colors, and header style
as our squeeze page – www.internetprotv.com

We currently have a few icons that redirect to
our sub pages such as, customer support, training,
product, forum, etc.

We are thinking of simply taking the theme from our
site, adding a video player to the top, and including
all the icons we currently have. Right now, the site is
raw with just the icons, some links, over white page.
We just migrated over to Drupal from another system so
we haven’t designed anything. This same color and design
them will need to applied to our log in page and sub pages
to of course…

When you’re completed, the links from the Icons need to
still work and other obvious functions.

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