Custom Home Pg Design

Custom Home Pg Design
We are a website development company and want to outsource the design work on selected projects. I will outline the general requirements for what we need to get estimated cost and time. We will start with one project and with good work engage for other jobs.

1) Custom design work is required. If you have or find a template that meets the design outline that’s fine. However, expect to do custom changes.
2) We need the initial design concept for a home page. This means what you give us we may have adjustments that we need done. Someone proficient in Photoshop should be able to effect all our adjustments within 1 day.
3) You get paid and provide the PSD file. We then take over from that point, presenting to the client and making other adjustments that the client may require.
4) The design outline will include navigation links, logo, a description of the feel of the website (e.g. clean, simple or modern, innovative); we will provide reference to other websites and the elements of those that are liked.
5) We may need to do clarifications over the telephone. A good grasp of english is required.

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