Landing Page W/a Basic Website

Landing Page W/a Basic Website
I need a website with the landing page connected to the rest of the site. The landing page is where the prospects will land and upon opting in will enter the website.I shall provide the content to be placed in the 5 page website.

I need a landing page created. The landing page will have a video on the left side, and an opt-in form for an auto-responder on the right side.

I need a very basic design border to add some effects. The optin form should have a design pattern around it with flashing arrows pointing to the form.

I will provide one sample which will be incorporated into the design with the video.

I should be able to make changes to any text very easily by getting into the html code.

I shall own the right to the landing page.

Please submit your bid with the following:

* You must include the phrase “aibu797” when bidding and sending messages. This lets me know you can follow instructions

* You must send me a work sample so I can see some of your work.

* you must tell me how long this will take you to complete

* you must bid to be accepted.

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