Flash Banner
I need a Flash banner created, of the “pushdown” kind. The exact specs, requirements, actions scripts to be used are specified in the attached Excel file and must be followed exactly, and an example of a sample banner (but not how our own banner will look, but just to give an idea) along with brief explanation in also included in the attached GIF file. You will be provided with a mockup of our banner (Photoshop file, with vector smart objects that you may use in the Flash banner) and all the corresponding files that you will need to create the banner.
The banner itself may have some very basic animation (like a rollover, some sliding text or image, or fade), apart from the expansion of the pushdown banner itself.
Once you’re done, we’d need all of the FLA and SWF files. And of course, this project is urgent because it is tied with an ad campaign that is to run soon.