Music Website Webmaster

Music Website Webmaster


I am looking for a Part Time webmaster/graphic designer to do updates to a music website located here;

Right now I need two things added with more coming soon.

A script that will allow a user to download a customizable number of songs from 11 songs that will be available. We use iTunes to sell our music and want to allow a user who purchases a song on iTunes, to be able to download 2 or 3 more songs out of the 11 we have for free.

There will be a total list of songs that users can listen to, with check boxes to allow them to download the free tunes. Graphics for the free song offer will also be needed to advertise this giveaway on other sites. (Facebook, Myspace, Reverbnation etc.)

I need a telethon style meter placed onto the website to show a count of the number of iTunes purchases that have happened in total with the GOAL being 20,000 downloads. I want a meter to show the progress that is easily updateable. I also need these graphics in a smaller style for (Facebook, Myspace, Reverbnation etc.)

After these projects are complete, there will be more work as projects come up.

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