Red5 Video Server Installation

Red5 Video Server Installation

The candidate must have well proven skills to make proper configurations and fix broke dependencies to make red5 video server completely work, without any flaws or mistakes.
First, need to check the server, and see if the current red5 installation is done correct, if not, he/she must be able to fix problems, and in case is need it, uninstall the current installation, if it’s done wrong, and install from zero, bot the application (red5) and the prerequisites and dependencies, need it to make it work, for live streaming broadcasting.
The server specs where the red5 app is installed are:
VPS with:
CentOS 5.4
Java runtime 1.6
Apache Ant 1.8
red5 version 0.9.1
So, is also a must to have well proven skills in Linux CLI, and/or shell and also obviously CentOS 5.4
This specific job is one time only, and after that, we are willing to pay a reasonable monthly fee, for checking and maintain if neccesary, the red5 video server. (Updates, etc)
We will consider, only serious offers from very well trained people in the specific skills we need it, if you are a newbie, or don’t have the skills we ask for, please don’t waist both your and our time.

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