Flash Music+actionscript3 Pro

Flash Music+actionscript3 Pro

You will need experience with AS3, CS4, OOP, dealing with complex class structures and dependencies.

FlashPlayer audio

Wanted: ADVANCED flash programmer with knowledge in AS3, CS4, OOP, any audio player/production knowledge you may have will be a BIG plus. If your skill are limited and you’re not an absolute PRO with actionscripting please do not bid on this project. If you’ve made audio aps with flash or any complex software – this might be up your alley.

The project is 90% of the way there. Our actionscript programmer is top shelf however we now need to employ someone with even greater skills to finish this up for us so we can come to market quicker.

• You’ve never used flash + audio
• You are a designer with some tweening skills – we need a coder/actionscript3 pro
• You don’t have the next week free < Sensitive and we need it done in 3-4 days

• You will be filtered by our current programmer to make sure you have the skillset needed to finish our project.
• You will have an active portfolio with examples of flash+audio (and I mean more than a little player where you press start to hear a song, even I can do that and more – we need you to understand the ins/outs of programming flash into a software based audio studio tool – recording/exporting/saving projects/loading them etc.).
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