Social Network Online

We require a social network site with full functionality of the following;
1 ) Dating. Subscribers can browse profiles of other subscribers and filter the search based on gender, age, sexuality etc. (this will be a free service with the intention of introducing a monthly fee later). Messages are able to exchange via users and inbox notification etc.
2) Forum. Allows registered users to discuss topics of interest
3) Job Board. Allows registered users to post job vacancies which will list in chronological order and applicants can search jobs by category.
4) Articles. Topical articles will be posted each month. Registered users can voice their opinion to the article which will show in chronological order below the article. Each month every article and relevant comments can be archived.
5) Advertising. Registered users may post an advert for an item for sale (including photo upload). Adverts posted can be viewed by (ALL) in chronological order or by keyword search or by category search.
Also the same facility should be available for registered users advertising items ‘WANTED’
Contact details of advertisers should only be visible to other registered users.
No comments/adverts/replies etc can be made without registration.
Registration should be code encrypted. Users visible by username only. Confirmed registration via submitted email.
Adverts and Job Postings should automatically delete after 4 weeks.
A mock template site has been designed using web design software to give guided assistance of what we want (this design is 75% accurate of required appearance). Site font, layout and graphics must be retained but expert artistic integrity and input will be valued whilst reflecting on the mock design. This site can be hosted for reference to the successful candidate.
We anticipate a further 4 ‘clone’ sites for other regions within 12 months which will be allocated to the successful candidate under contract with an ongoing maintenance agreement.
The site should have administration access to allow upload of business advertisements, posting of articles, policing of inappropriate postings etc.
The site will be built in HTML/CSS templates built to W3C standards and integrate a Content Management System (CMS).
Be fully tested and secure.
The CMS will produce accessibility code enabling Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Priority 3 (AAA) website.
Due to the nature of this site content is minimal and functionality is our primary concern. Following training we will apply the content ourselves.

Required Skills

You must be extremely fluent in English in writing (no basic errors)
You must have sufficient HTML code knowledge
You must be accurate

This role can be a fulltime position and there are relevant growth options in the company on a longer term.

Bidding & Applying
Please make a bid for 80 hours of availability.
Quarterly face to face meetings at our expense will be expected which will require travel every 3 months (all expenses paid).
Only apply for this job if you are the best of breed and are results driven.

No timewasters, no scammers and no copy and pasted responses

We will only respond to appropriately qualified.

Only the best apply.

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