Media Site (php/mysql)

The system we want designed/written is basically a PHP website with user log-in.
Registration is free and the site can not be bigger then 600×600 pixels.
Of course registration will work with email verification.
The only thing we need to know is their chosen log-in, password and e-mail address.

After log-in people enter the website. (
The log-in procedure makes a URL with a random string, by example


This string has to be available for a certain amount of time (adjustable in an admin section).
After this time has passed a new log-in is required to create a new valid string for the URL.
Meaning an expired string will route to the log-in page.
The URL with the just generated string is not only available for the person who logged in. If that person besides to give it to another person over an instant messenger it will also work for the 3rd party, however a maximum amount of people using that string at the same time is required and preferable editable in an admin section for all users.
The string also has to be binding to the user that created it with log-in.
With a fresh log-in session the old string has to be made invalid.

The main menu have an iPhone a like image and the following choices:

1.Live TV
4.Movies (Single)
5.New Movies
6.Music (All)
7.Music Albums (Single)
9.XXX Tube
10.XXX Movies (All)
11.XXX Movies (Single)

The menu structure will then look like this:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Information & Manual (Link)

1. Live TV

When going to live TV a screen ass follows turns up:

Drop-down Main Menu (Link)

Flash player of 600×400 pixels.

The drop down will show choices of live channels to watch from a MySQL database.
It will only show the nicknames while things can be added from the admin section with nickname and stream URL.

2. YouTube

The first screen users will get if they haven’t paid yet will be an option to pay a one time fee to be able to enter. This will be payable by Paypal.
When entering this section after payment an own style search box will turn up with bellow that a summery of the top 10 video’s of YouTube (if that is possible with the YT api). After searching it will turn up the top 10 results with an option to go the next page. When clicking a movie title to play a following screen will turn up:

Title Movie Search Main Menu (Link)

Flash player of 600×400 pixels.

The title of the movie has to have a maximum amount of characters as it has a limited amount of room.
Preferable we would like to play the YouTube movies in an own style flash player, but if this is not possible the standard YouTube player is also okay, as long as it is 600×400 pixels.

3. Movies

Before entering movies same as YouTube there will be a payment screen. This will give the option to enter this section for a month, 3 months, 6 months or a year (Paypal).
When entering the section a following screen will turn up:

Drop-down Main Menu (Link)

Flash player of 600×400 pixels.

This drop-down and Flash player will work a bit more complicated then the Live TV section.
These movies are our own and will be located on another server then the website.
Adding them will be similar as the Live TV section only the real URL’s can never show, meaning some kind of PHP-proxy connection must be applied within the website. Again using this string within the URL as then it is time and user limited. The movies shown will be in mp4 format, but will get a different extension (.mmmf).

4. New Movies

New Movies will be a similar section as Movies, only with different newer movies.
Again before entering there will be a payment screen. This will give the option to enter this section for a month, 3 months, 6 months or a year (Paypal).

4. Movies (Single)

This works similar as the Movies and New Movies Sections only it lets you into the section without paying, only you will not be able to listen to albums. After selecting one you will be asked to pay to access that movie for one month. Of course after this time it must be unavailable again for this user.
The selection of movies will be pulled out of the Movies and New Movies already in the database.
Movies and New Movies will however have a different price (So two price formats for Movies Single).

6. Music All

This part is offering music. Before entering this will give the option to enter this section for a month, 3 months, 6 months or a year (Paypal). When entering a following screen will be shown:

DD Artist DD Album Main Menu (Link)

[Artist Name (If chosen)] [Album Name (If chosen)]

Flash Audio player with play-list

First of All with DD we mean drop-down-menu.
DD Artist gives a selection of artists available from the database. After choosing the artist the available albums show up in DD Album. When an album is chosen the play-list of that album will be played in the Flash Audio player. The albums will be addable in the admin section. Meaning adding artists, adding albums for that artists and adding tracks for that album.
Adding them will be similar as the Live TV section only the real URL’s can never show, meaning some kind of PHP-proxy connection must be applied within the website. Again using this string within the URL as then it is time and user limited. The movies shown will be in mp4 format, but will get a different extension (.mmaf).

7. Music Albums (Single)

This works similar as the Music all Section only it lets you into the section without paying, only you will not be able to listen to albums. After selecting one you will be asked to pay to access that album for one month. Of course after this time it must be unavailable again for this user.

8. Settings

This section will give people the ability to change their log-in, password and/or email.

9. XXX Tube

The first screen users will get if they haven’t paid yet will be an option to pay a one time fee to be able to enter. This will be payable by Paypal.
When entering the section it will be the same as the YouTube section only using a XXX Tube website of choice. This will be PornTube, RoxTube or an other similar website and preferably even some of them combined into an own search if this is possible.

10. XXX Movies (All)

Before entering this will give the option to enter this section for a month, 3 months, 6 months or a year (Paypal).
When entering the section it will be similar as movies only now with a database of XXX Movies.
Adding them will be similar as the Live TV section only the real URL’s can never show, meaning some kind of PHP-proxy connection must be applied within the website. Again using this string within the URL as then it is time and user limited. The movies shown will be in mp4 format, but will get a different extension (.mmaf).

11. XXX Movies (Single)

This section works similar to the Movies (Single) Section only with the database of XXX Movies.
12. News

Will bring you to sort of a basic blog section and will show the titles and dates.
When clicking on them it will bring you to that article.
This section is one of two that doesn’t have to be 600×600 pixels, though it must be 600 pixels wide.
Scrolling up and down (vertical) will be possible but not to left and right (horizontal).
Of course news must be added and adjusted in the Admin section.

13. Information and Manual

Will bring you to sort of a basic site with only titles in alphabetical order. This will lead to articles that are of course added and editable within the admin section.
This section is one of two that doesn’t have to be 600×600 pixels, though it must be 600 pixels wide.
Scrolling up and down (vertical) will be possible but not to left and right (horizontal).

More information

You must ask why the site must be mainly 600×600 pixels with no scrolling. That is mainly as it will only be approached within a special browser. Within this browser we don’t want any scrolling (except for 2 sections: “News” & “Information and Manual”) and the site must be filling the browser screen. Meaning with of the site must be 100 percent of the browser screen and height must also be 100 percent of the browser screen (except for 2 sections: “News” & “Information and Manual”).
This browser will be Firefox or Internet Explorer driven, so no need for irregular adjustments.
It will have a different user agent, so we want to be able to add user agents that are permitted. Different user agents must route to a no access page.
The admin section will be approached with a normal browser so no need to include that part.

Within the Admin section I want to be able to edit, ban and add users as well as permitting them access to a certain section for a certain time.

Flash Movie Player

The flash movie player of course must have a time-line, stop and pause button, but we do not want a button that will turn full screen on, neither as any ability to. The user must view the stream within the browser with the options around it.

Payment Information

Of course we must be able to change the Paypal address and services are numbered, meaning access to the YouTube service will be for instance a payment for service 1001. A programmer will have total freedom in numbering.

I know I can be very unclear in wording an assignment, so if any questions please feel free to ask!
Of course if you are interested in this job, let us know, and also tell us how long this project will approximately take you.

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