This project is for one hour consultation
We have some Policy and Procedure manuals (MS Word Documents) that we would like to put online and have companies be able to modify and have access to these documents. We would like the open source software that we use have the following features:
-We want it to be very easy to use and to set up
-We do not need anything overly complex, we would like to keep it simple
-The software should let you to assign appropriate individuals to draft, review, approve, release, and archive your policies and procedures documents.
-Tracking, usage and audit reports
You can generate usage reports related to various workflow states as well as who did what, and when.
-Use MS Word to Edit Your Policies and Procedures
You can edit all your procedures document in Microsoft Word.
-Ability to upload/ftp documents
-Ability to have multiple companies and users
-Ability to limit database size for each company
We would like to have a one hour consultation about your recommendations