Deals Website

My requirement is clone but with complete different feel. It should be able to display deals for USA, Europe and India. The website will feature pictures and links to different websites.
deals should be automatically added (either thru RSS or any other). Let me know how can you do that. The various deals should appear on the main page in order they are added, by date (the date should be easily editable to move around the deals). There should also be a section for links.
It should be based on PHP. I need complete source code and documentation.
There should also be separate sections for different deals, where each deals of a particular type would be displayed, sorted by date posted.
This website must me 100% automated and must be SEO and should need little or zero daily maintenance. Admin control should be developed.
Deals should be refreshed automatically at least twice a day from different merchants.

Customers should be able to browse from
by categories
by merchants
by price
browse by time like last week or last month.

So, its almost similar to

It can rely on Joomla you like.
I want to see your work before i can go ahead with you.
This site must be SEO (This is very important)

Bidders should have developed at least one website just like above… don’t waste time by trying to learn..This is a urgent requirement. and please show the work before u proceed. study the all info from deals2buy and make the site. u must come up with everything whatever needed for this.

Search Engine Optimization, Joomla, RSS, Deals Website

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