Seo Expert Needed: Easy Site To Get First Page Rank Under…

I’m looking for someone who does SEO work. Someone who has a proven track record of getting sites ranked in google on page one.

My sites should be easy to rank as I have both:
– Little competition, vague keyword term
– The keyword is in the domain name
– Geo targeting cities and provinces

I would start you out doing one of my websites which is:

Which is to rank under “toronto debt consolidation”
And possible other keywords if pages could be added.

The site is done in basic html. I need it to remain at this time within that language. But your free to add content to the index page, or make any adjustments necessary. Ideally I don’t want to have to redo the look and feel. I just want the SEO element solved. And enough backlinking done to get the first page ranking on google etc..

If you can show me that you have the ability to get that one ranked on page one of: google, yahoo, and bing then I’d be very interested in having you continue to work with me as I have a total of 320 similar sites. All geo targeting a city or province followed by a keyword phrase. Which should make it fairly simple to get the first page rankings for someone who knows what they’re doing.

I need someone who can show me proven examples of similar work they’ve done successfully in a reasonable time frame. Thank you.

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